Thursday, August 25, 2016

There's Something About Physics!

⚠︎ "We are currently making ambitions into success, false to true, and dreams to reality." ⚠︎



"Light Pollution"
So far, Physics is a bit challenging that I thought it would be. The few lessons that we had already discussed were not tackled before from our previous years but some terms clicked when our teacher mentioned it like about the refraction and electromagnetic waves. There are several formulas to memorize in order to solve for the specific thing like frequency so it made me so dizzy with all the numbers and signs. Computation is one of my weaknesses in Math, now it's also included in Science. I tried my best to solve some problems to enhance my relationship with numbers. Though I really do understand how to answer the given questions but I easily forget it. I really have to change my style. Now all I have to do is just practice and practice until I get the hang of myself.

What lesson that really got my attention was the Light Pollution, because it's my first time hearing that. The results of light pollution cause awful effect to our environment, which made me feel guilty because I got too careless about using light to much. I love the stars in the sky because by looking at it, it makes me relax. It's so sad that we're the one who cause the pollution that blocked the view for the shimmering stars. Now I have to know my limits in order to preserve the beauty of our earth. My family sometimes join Earth Hour to help the community and our environment. Karma may hit you hard as a rock so we have to be careful. Also we did our performance task, which was news casting. The experience was great and I learned how to boost my confidence when I'm in front of many people.

"Eye Condition: Astigmatism"

Moreover, after our midterm in Science, we had discussed some new lessons. The eye. That lesson also got me hooked with it because I can relate to it. I have Myopia, also known as near-nearsightedness, so my knowledge about it increased when our teacher tackled it. Plus now I know what is Astigmatism really is. We had a group activity, it's making an eye model and identify the parts of it. We had fun while we made with us having clay-war (they started it though) but I made it sure to submit it already so we don't have to bother it. Also, we had a quiz bee about the parts of the eye and the different conditions. The score wasn't high but we were already satisfied with it. Anyway, I hope the next succeeding three quarters aren't stressful for us to fathom the upcoming lessons.



I'm a new student at SHAP. So far the lessons are not that hard to comprehend. We have discussed a lot of things, from mirrors to different kinds of lenses. I learned about calculating frequencies and stuff. In my point of view, it’s easy when you like math because of the calculations of refraction. We also tackled light, which has many sub-topics. Some terms were new to me and I liked them. Also we had a quiz bee in Science and it was fun because we did our best. We just needed teamwork for us to score, high or low, we're still a group.

"Types of Lens"

Additionally, our new lesson is about the human eye. I Learned about Myopia and Hyperopia or nearsightedness and farsightedness. Myopia is the results in blurred vision when the visual picture is focused before the retina, instead of directly on it. It happens when the physical length of the eye is greater than the optical length. While Hyperopia, is the result of the visual picture being focused behind the retina as rather than directly on it. The eyeball being too little or the focusing power to be weak may cause it. Then we had a quiz bee about the human eye it turned out not as quite I think it will turn out. We didn’t score as much as our group wanted but we had fun doing it.


"Reflection of Light"
Science is an interesting subject for me. This year in the first half of our 1st quarter has a lot to do with our daily lives. Then we discussed some topics related to Physics; the light pollution, reflection, & refraction. Refraction is an interesting lesson because it is connected in our everyday life. Like the mirrors, most people can't see without their glasses so studying about light and mirrors help us to understand and relate to our daily lives. There are types of lens for a specific case like concave for a person who suffers Myopia. In addition, we tackled a lesson about the eye and its parts. This lesson helps us on how we care for Gods gift to us. We also learned about what types of medical issues does one person could have in their eyes.


An eye is a part of our body, a part that we use all day long. And it is a part of us that is important and fragile. Its parts are small but its effects on us are huge. The medical issues of this particular part of our body are dangerous as any sickness that we can get. So always take care of your eyes. Lastly i just wanted to say that Science is a very important part of our world. Its part of our daily lives and it will continually evolve to approach our needs.


"Group Activites"
Science is the range of study where I learn about lights, the human eye, magnifying lens, contamination, mirrors, scientist, news, science words and more things. For me science is important because it upgrades our gadgets and discovers new things and builds up the world. I experienced issues about the refraction yet my schoolmate shows me how to unravel it so i figure out how to learn it. The computations parts were the ones I had a hard time with. With the formulas to remember,it's tough.

The simplest lesson that i encounter is the parts of the eye and its function. Furthermore, our newsiest lesson is the parts of eyes and its function and the disease of the eye. Our gathering activates is about the quiz bee it was fun and we learned more things and develop our skills, intellect, memory, communication, cooperation, and teamwork. I hope that i can learn new things and apply it on myself with the goal that i can do the inconceivable in life.


Science is one of my favorite major subjects, as it includes other key major and minor subjects in it, such as Math and English and even Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). Science is a part of life where it is always involved in each aspect, movement, action we take. And each atom, we can use to build a structure of living or non-living matter. Science can be defining as solid liquid or gas yet physical and mental at the same time. I can say that Science for me is an innovation itself. 

"State of Matter"

What I’ve learned through science is how we can measure, calculate, and compute distance, velocity and units without being in the literal position of doing it. Or learn the parts of the eye through simple pictures and text. What I like about science is that it is a diverse and yet complex kind of body structure that you have to understand through detail in order to know what to do. What I do find hard about science is about advanced technology where you have to find where the positive and negative goes through and which doesn’t, besides everything Science is unique in its own way as the word itself. One of my favorite things I’ve learned was life reflection, and I find it interesting how we can balance something infinite.

Thought the first 2 months of school and over 30+ hours of learning science, i find the subjects hard to learn at first, and yet easy to catch up once understood. Every lesson in the subject is being explained right and every detail has more detail provided in it. Group Activities are executed well and nothing goes wrong except for noise. Lastly, the thing I expect is that Grade 10 Science wont be easy and yet in the way wont be hard if you understood everything. I always hope that there would be more fun activities through out the upcoming 3 quarters and that Sir. Jhigz is going to teach us some new lessons.




Almost all of us in the group liked this topic, Reflection and Refraction of light, because it is interesting even though the computations there are somehow difficult to do. We are amazed with the laws and ways of reflecting a light in different direction. The terms were easy to memorize so we (somehow) remembered all of the words needed and understood their meanings. With the help of Sir Dolor's engrossing videos about light, it's the perfect moment for us to really listen for some facts. Then there's light pollution which we only heard it for the first time. The effect was really shocking. Almost all of us, human-being, are the number one causing the pollution (though practically all pollution) here. Now we rarely see stars in the sky. So we do hope to let everyone be open-minded what is happening. Let's all change for the better; like cooperating with the Earth Hour activity.
