Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Exploring Biology!

⚠︎ "We are currently making, ambitions into success, false to true, and dreams to reality." ⚠︎



We are back again to share our thoughts about biology. There were ups and downs but fortunately, the group were able to comprehend the various lessons taught by each group with their designated topics. Lets see the point of view of each members of the Wizards!

Apparently, for me, second quarter was not that bad than I thought it would be. Though I am not saying that it’s super easy. There were loads of work (performance tasks) given to us from different subjects and I must say, it was a major headache.


Now, biology is fascinating because the study of life is involved. There are different species of animals and types of plants here in our world. Honestly, I am still amazed with the lessons that will or are already taught by teachers and my former classmates. Life is a fragile gift; one wrong move and youll lose it for good. I want everyone to take care his or her body and give care because God created us to live with purpose. How can you share your gift when you function properly right? Some may have sensitive body, thats why it is important to know how you body works, if you gets easily tired or what. Know yourself before bringing your attention to others.

I remembered we did an experiment that is related to the feedback mechanism of the body. We were instructed to observe the temperature when adding ice cubes at the water that is being heated by fire. It was fun because the other group emerged with us to do the experiment.

"Oppose of STDS"
What lesson next caught my attention? The Sexually Transmitted Diseases or also known as STD that was disussed by my classmates. In this generation, I want everyone, especially teenagers and those who are LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender), to be aware what are the consequences in engaging premarital sex in such a young age. Love is not the right reason to commit an immoral act of human kind. Minors, like me, should prioritize their studies before involving his/her self with relationships. Besides, our minds aren’t that mature to handle serious problems that we may encounter in relationships. Plus now in our society, almost half of the teenager’s population commits relationships just to engage in premarital sex, which is a disgrace for his/her self. No offense to those who are part of the LGBT community but in my point of view, it is not right for two person who has the same gender to commit an act for only married couples can do. Of course they can have relationships with the person that they like, no one is stopping them, but they should know their limits. The consequences are more brutal and it can affect their family, even their lover.   


"Teacher Discussing"
This second quarter the lessons got harder. It's not that easy to understand it anymore. Our teacher had divided the class to perform reports. Which has been the death of me (sarcastically). I can't cope up with it because I don't understand it that much, unlike how our teacher reports it properly. Maybe this is the way of the teacher for us to understand his pain, because not everyone is listening when he is teaching. Sometimes everyone just do his or her own things. Also the performance task had also gotten harder, but hopefully we managed to survive it. I hope that maybe later on this quarter our teacher will teach us again soon, because I understand the lesson more in his method of teaching. But I'm really doing my best so I can cope up with smart people in my class. 

In addition, 2nd quarter is really hard because it's the start of the oral defense. Our group is nervous for the title defense, but who wouldn't be, because if we get rejected we would repeat all what we have started in our Investigatory Project. Even though creating the 1st 3 chapters of our investigatory project is not quite easy it's still quite fun, from the memories we've made in searching libraries and such.


This quarter the lessons got more complicated. Every group will have a chance to report and to share what they have learned. In my honest opinion, the group reports could have been made easier by making the groups pick what lesson they would like share and report. This can serve as a lecture for us to listen and focus on the lesson that the teacher is teaching us. Because when students teach the lesson only a few students listen and focus on the report while some play and do other stuff.

"Reproductive System of Female and Male"
The lesson that I liked the most is the Reproductive System. In our class, we are a mix of girls and boys that’s why this lesson is important because it can help us take care of our sensitive part. This lesson tackled a part about sexual transmitted diseases. It was interesting and funny yet serious because it is an important matter for us to learn. The first time I heard about this lesson was when I was in grade school and it brought back memories, which is one of the reasons of why its my favorite lesson. Without care of our reproductive systems it can cause severe illness and cause pain. So my class is lucky to learn what you need to do so that you can be healthy in terms of your reproductive system.

In addition, I learned that most women would stop having menstruation when they are 45 years old. I also learned further information of each gender’s reproductive system. This lesson really taught me how to appreciate God because without Him, this complicated system of ours won’t be created.


"Student Studying"
This quarter our lessons got more fun yet confounded. Everyone have a chance to report and to share what he or she have realized and learned. As I would see it, the group reports could have been made less demanding by making the group pick what lessons they would share and report. What I love about biology  is  we study about life and it is important to us since it helps people discover new things that help us in our daily life. For me, everybody have their own information and ability how to they see every words and its meaning and would you be able to gain and learn from it. This could be a lesson for us to listen and concentrate on the lesson the instructor is showing us and learn more things about nervous system. I have learned about the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems (base from our assigned topic), and what it means for a neuron to be a charged cell and what are the two types of neurotransmitters, and how do they regulate the nervous system. The understudy taught the lesson while my classmates listen and concentrate on the report the new lesson we have to learn however, some of my classmates listen to the reporter while my other classmate not cooperating. Be that as it may, I figure out how to learn it and use it for my future studies.


As the first quarter came to an end, and the second quarter came, things got harder. It's now mid second quarter and things have become more difficult to understand, by now everyone should have exerted more effort in the subject and activities. One example is group reporting where each group has been given a lesson to understand and report, and that each member of the group has to create and preform a report to be discussed with the class. 

"Students Doing a Report"
What I have learned during this quarter is that I understand more things in the reproductive system and I had been informed the different kinds of diseases that can really affect a human being. And it also remains as my favorite lesson at the moment here in the second quarter. Things have changed and the way our teacher thought us the lesson is now on a different approach. For me, I think this is a way for us to understand the hard way of teaching with a busy class especially in the morning. We hope that this way would help others understand the lesson and that our teacher's way would become a success for the second quarter.



[!!!] LESSON TIME [!!!]

In our class, each group in investigatory project are assigned one chapter base from the book and the number of lessons depends on the opic. We had supressed two chpaters already, the Reproductive System and Endocrine System. Our group is given the topic of the Nervous System, also knwon as "The Body's Command Center". Unfortunately, we haven’t tackled it in out class but now we will give you a glimpse of our lesson with our 3 members. Hopefully you’ll learn and get benefits from it.

Left side: a boy tripping
Right side: a boy spilling his water 
  Our body response when something happens, it is called “Reflex”. Look at the picture at the left, it shows two scenario that happened in the room. at the left side, a boy trips because of his classmate. Then on the right side, a boy spilled his water and his classmate laughed at him. Both showed reflexes, one put his arms on the floor to catch himself and the other got shocked. That is the use of our Nervous System, it helps us receive information about what is happening around us and direct us to respond .

  The brain then interprets the information as a threat and quickly sends electrical signals through selected nerves. In addition the electrical signals, the nerves also the endocrine glands in your body that produce chemical signals known as hormones. The hormones then triggers a sudden rush of emotions causing your body to be ready to move to guard yourself. The body has the ability to control and coordinate the activities of all its parts. The Nervous System enables the body to gather information from the outside environment and respond quickly. It also controls and interprets all the activities that happen within the body, making the body respond quickly to changes in the environment. 

  There are 4 functions of the nervous system;
    1. Gather information both from the outside world and from the inside body
    2. Transmits information to the processing areas in the brain and spinal cord.
    3. Processes information to determine the best response.
    4. Sends information to muscles, glands, and organs so they can respond quickly.

  Nervous system is also busy monitoring breathing, blood pressure and the body temperature, to name a few processes performed by the nervous system. Even when you sleep, it is still active. The Nervous System keeps the body working properly despite the constant changes that takes place around it. These changes are called stimuli (singular, stimulus). Some responses to stimuli are involuntary, because of it's not under one's control (ex. blinking and sneezing) and voluntary, because of ability to reason (ex. eating when hungry). 


  In life there are things that we should know but aren't even applicable in life until the appropriate situation comes in. An example is the "Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of Diseases" whether related to the digestive system to the circulatory system, but here were focusing on the nervous system. The things that I'm about to explain are important in case a certain kind of scenario happens.

"The Human Brain"
The Nervous System is a system that reacts through what our body is being put in a certain area or situation, and serves as our feelings or emotions when our body is being put to pain or relaxation. The Central Nervous System is composed of the spinal cord and the brain, which our parts that are very life threatening.important to sustain a life of a human being, and the cause of defects can be from average to this study involves the ways to contain defects from becoming more severe. As you age your body becomes weaker including the nervous system, one of the most popular common diseases found in the elderly is "Alzheimer's". Alzheimer's is a disease that causes problems that occurs in the brain and takes more effort to recall memories from the past. It is a disease that progresses with dementia symptoms getting worse over the years, that may lead to deathly issues.

The is no actual cure for Alzheimer's but there are things like memory practises and clinks that help people prevent from the disease getting more severe or spreading. This is just one example of many, and the outcome can be a tragedy. The best way to prevent diseases to come to the nervous system is to balance stress and relaxation. The best way is to involve yourself in activities like board games that require not much thinking. Second, the best way to detect if the person has a disease if it becomes noticeable that his/her actions may vary from others depending on the age or situation he/her is in. And the treatment may depend on the disease.

I therefore conclude that my study shows that certain types of diseases can occur in certain stages in life, and that it requires the right kind of treatment for the disease.


We are going to report about the nervous system. The nervous system is a very important part of the human body, because it controls our actions. My report is about nerve impulses. Signals are important in our lives. They carry information that tells us to listen, relax, or be alert. At the very moment, the nervous system carries thousand of signals through our body in the form of nerve impulses. Nerve impulse is a wave of chemical and electrical charge that is conducted along the membrane of a neuron. In other words nerve impulse is a way of nerve cells otherwise known as neurons communicate with one another. The way neurons communicate to one another is a complicated way.

There is a bridge that connects a neuron to another neuron called axon terminal. In the axon terminal we have axons. We also have a tiny gap between two adjacent neurons or a neuron and an effector called synapse. When an impulse reaches the end of a tip of the axon or the synapse, the neurotransmitters are released. Neurotransmitters are also know as chemical charge, which then allows the nerve impulse to flow to the other axon. Then the chain is repeated until the nerve impulse reaches its destination. This flows again and again; this is done everyday in the body, which is not seen by the human eye, but in almost everything we do we use how the process off nerve impulse to control what our actions should be.

This video will show how nerve impulses works. You'll learn how our brain sends signals to our body to make movements.

