Monday, January 23, 2017

The World of Chemistry!

⚠︎ "We are currently making ambitions into success, false to true, and dreams to reality." ⚠︎



Now the wizards are back and kicking to survive this month, or should I say hell month. It seems that  the lessons aren't that easy, together with all the performance tasks given to them. 

       And here goes another essay of mine. Third quarter is already rough for me. I had a hard time in focusing with the lessons taught by our Science teacher. I can somehow comprehend half of the lessons, which are the terms. The solving parts aren't that easy, for a kid (me) who is not fond of solving and memorizing formulas. It took days for me to finally understand how to solve a particular question/given by analyzing it. This is why I prefer memorizing terms over solving numbers. 

       Sir Romie gave us a recap of what's matter and it's phases. Then so,our first lesson for this quarter was tackled. It was about the different gas laws and who are the scientist who had found those. There is Boyle's, Graham's, Dalton's, Avogadro's, Gay-lussac's, Charles', and Ideal gas law. I was expecting computations again but I didn't know that it wasn't that hard. Sure, there are miscellaneous formulas to memorize but I managed with the help of my friends. Boyle's Law was the simplest and Ideal gas law is kinda difficult. I'm just happy that I was able to suppress the lesson and exams. But suffering is not yet done.

       Second lesson was about carbohydrates and lipids. All I thought about that time is food. Of course, they are the source of energy so that's why I thought of it. Next chapter was about proteins. Food came into my mind again, don't blame me. Then we tackled Levels of Protein Structure. It was the topic given to me for my info graphic. To be honest, I didn't understand my topic wholly so I really have to listen carefully. I was glad that those two chapters were all about memorizing terms until the next lesson came into picture.

       Chemical Transformation; the title of our next chapter. Computations are now present again. The way our teacher showed the solving part, it was easy but can't solve it in a flash. The balancing chemical equations involves law of conservation of mass. I don't want to be deceived but I can say that it wasn't hard, when it is just a small equation. Oh dear, how I hope I can compose myself until the end of the quarter.


This quarter in Science we tackled chemistry. Our first lesson is about Gas laws. The Gas laws in chemistry have 4 variables or branches. The first is Pressure, which is the force per unit area. The second one is Temperature, which is the hotness and coldness of a certain object. The third one is Volume, which is the amount of space an object occupies. The fourth and last one is Moles, which is a unit of measurement that is most likely used to measure chemical substances. These make up the gas laws. And in what I have learned most likely in gas laws if the temperature is in Celsius we change it to kelvin by adding 273. We also tackled about different formulas that are dealt in conversion in chemistry. But our main topic is Chemistry, which is a branch of science that studies about properties and change of matter.


Elements, Bonds, Laws These three are parts of studying a field of science called Chemistry. Our teacher gave us activities such as problem solving and multiple-choice types of quizzes. This helped us to understand our lesson and prepared for our exams. Everyone answered the exams and the exercises. Each one of us helped each other to pass and get higher grades.

The lesson, which is the hardest, is the laws such as Boyle's law, Law of Partial Pressures, Ideal Gas law and more. Why? Well because there were a lot of calculations and formulas our heads can't keep them in line. I hope that our teacher will involve us students more so that he can know where we lack and need to master more. Science for me is easy you just need to listen. Listen to your teacher and you will understand the lesson such as our current lessons. These lessons need a lot of listening, understanding and of course less of talking.


Gas laws are the hardest point of our first topic because I didn't listen to our teacher. I need to concentrate hard so I can understand it more. Our second topic is all about elements. Studying elements is easy our teacher taught us many activities and seat works. Our teacher taught what matter is and I know matter is all about space and mass like solid, liquid, gas, especially as distinct from energy. Our next lesson is chemicals it all about the bonds Compound bonds frame when two molecules trade or share at least one electron. These bonds hold the iotas together to frame mixes. There are two general sorts of bonds-ionic and covalent bonds. I discovered that I have to study and focus to our lesson.

Chemistry is a branch of physical science that studies from composition, structure, and change of matter. Chemistry has topics like explaining the formulas for different types of gases, and the interactions of gases through pressure, volume, degree being applied and removed. I have learned that chemistry can be also called the central science because it focuses on natural science, with physics, geology and biology. I’ve also learned more about the kinds of matters, on how they react to a different environment. The hardest lesson for me is not really a lesson.
It's about memorizing the different kinds of formulas for a certain equation or problem to solve. I find it difficult to know what certain formula to use for a question or problem since information in the question is sometimes very limited. What i expect onwards the 3rd quarter is that it will get more difficult. I expect that, since 3rd quarter is considered the rush quarter ever since. The school year started late so what was once 3rd quarter periodicals on December are now on the following year, making it hard for old students to adjust for that certain situation.

As all of I expected, I know that we will all make it through the 3rd quarter with our adviser that also are science teacher leading our way to make things more understandable in this mix of science chemistry.


[!!!] "Lesson? Let's Recap a Bit!" [!!!]


(n.) [kem-uh-stree]

1. a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo
2. a :  the composition and chemical properties of a substance <the chemistry of iron>
   b :  chemical processes and phenomena (as of an organism) <blood chemistry>

Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary & Youtube