Friday, March 31, 2017

Earth Science: Heading Its Wonders

⚠︎ "We are currently making ambitions into success, false to true, and dreams to reality." ⚠︎


Now for the finale post. School year's end is approaching and so does the finals of the students. Lets all read the wizard's essays about Scienece 10 during 4th quarter.

At last, stress would be over and so does the tons of schoolwork given by subject teachers. Science was fun and foreign for me. Why foreign? Because I was not informed that it would be very very very hard. Not the lessons but the given performance tasks. We were bombarded with tons of schoolworks in Sicnece. Unlike last year, there were performance tasks but it wasn't that hard and many. Maybe it's just me but seriously it gave a hard time to finish it all. Especially the Investigatory project, it was a pain in the head. Real talk. With all the revisions and incomplete parts, I had sacrificed sleepless nights just to edit it all.

Anyway, this last quarter we had discussed about earth, the layers and natural disasters. Earthquake is one of the most biggest catastrophe that can happen around the globe. If an unfortunate country got hit with a strong magnitude, many innocent lives will be affected. Nobody can stop it from happening but all of us need to prepare for the worst. Never neglect the tips and safety guidlines when an earthquake strikes to save yourself.


Finally it all came to the last quarter. Science was a lot of fun this school year. This 4th quarter finishes it all. We tackled about earth, our home planet. About its layers which was has a lot of complicated roots of studies. We also tackled about earthquakes and volcanoes. Waves was also our topic. Waves that went around the earth. We also had 2 quiz bees this quarter. We really studied hard for the quiz bees that we had because we weren't good at it during the previous quarters. Finally this school year is about to end, a lot of thanks to my group and to our leader for everything we have achieved all throughout the school year and mostly to sir Romie for teaching us and guiding us in this part of our lives.


In our fourth and last quarter we have studied about volcanoes and its effects. It was very useful for us students because this lessons help us learn more about our nature and its power. This also teaches us what to do when there is an earthquake naturally or caused by a volcano eruption. The lessons gives us guides about what we can do to prepare for an earthquake. The lessons also taught to us are about the different types of volcanoes. The lesson also mentiond PHIVOLCS. We also learned a few large scale eruptions and earthquakes that caused a lot of damage and deaths.

Endmost of the school year science is been part of my life moving forward with intense lessons and simple ones at similar circumstances. There were the circumstances were rest was the main answer and times were rest isn't generally a choice. This fourth quarter for me was startling; lessons were really less demanding contrasted with first, second and third. In this quarter we adapted more about geography or learn about the earth and how it moves and its historical foundation like how Pangaea was framed how many years. Different lessons likewise demonstrated us on how tremors occur and again additionally its recorded foundation on the past seismic tremors of history. In that lesson we additionally found out about what we ought to do when a quake strikes are zone, its about systems and legitimate guide and guidelines. So far science gave an impact in our lives for it contains more fascinating things than some past times. Lastly i want to express my gratitude toward Sir. Romie for showing us his effort for teaching science consistently and supporting us in all that we did in our life.
Through out the school year science has had its up's and downs facing tough challenges and easy ones at the same times. There were the times were sleep was the only answer and times were sleep isn't really an option. This 4th quarter for me was unexpected, lessons were actually easier compared to 1st, 2nd and 3rd. In this quarter we learned more about geology or the study about the earth and how it moves and its histroical background like how Pangaea was formed. Other lessons also showed us on how earthquakes occure and again also its historical background on the previous earthquakes of history. In that lesson we also learned about what we should do when an earthquake strikes are area, its all about procedures and proper guide and instructions. So far 4th quarter has been a blast in Science for it contained more interesting things than some previous lessons. I wanna thank Sir. Romie for teaching us throughout the year and supporting us in everything we did.



🔎 Title & Final Defense/Investigatory Project


[!!!] Q&A [!!!]

To wrap it all up, lets have a quick interview with the wizards. Five questions will be given for each and everyone of them to answer. This will be the last segment of the blog. Thank you for following our posts, 'til next time!
3...2...1... Action! 🎬

1. Have you learned anything in Science 10? Estrada: Definitely. Even some topics were difficult to comprehend, still can manage (not) naman. Calma: Yes. Prospero: Yes, a lot. Rafer: I have learned a lot this year but mostly are mathematical formulas used in science. Viñas: On the past months I learned a lot in Science, mostly are about earth and outer space.
2. What can you say about the school year now that it is ending? Estrada: Well it became an interesting sy but with a very very very STRESSFUL schoolworks. Calma: Our school year was really memorable and fun. Prospero: That it will be one of the most memorable year. Rafer: I can say that I'm gonna miss my section so much. They gave me a lot to remember. Viñas: I've learned a lot of things from our teachers and classmates. I'm gonna miss them.
3. Describe Science 10 in one word or two. Estrada: Nosebleed. Calma: Challenging. Prospero: Undescribable. Rafer: Lowkey. Viñas: The best.
4. Can you give highlights in science that made it interesting? Estrada: The bloody defenses for the IP and performance tasks that gave a brain freeze to me. Calma: The quiz bees, creative projects, & and some scientific terms. Prospero: The Investigatory Project. Rafer: Investigatory Project. Viñas: The most intersting part in Science is making the IP.